Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Last Week

I seem to have lots of days that are full of stuff going on, but if you asked me what I couldn't say for sure. That's kind of what the last week has felt like for me. I'm not making any headway on the huge mound of laundry, I haven't been doing any crafty stuff, but we have been having lots of playtime.
The boys had a chance to get outside just before it snowed one day.
I made potato soup in homemade bread bowls on a cold, snowy day.
We've continued to play lots of games. 

We celebrated Arleigh's 1st birthday. Caeden insisted, and the dog did not have a cupcake :)
We watched roofers put shingles on the roof and listened to the roof being replaced. It really wasn't all that loud.
And my cowboy spacemen went to outer space and talked through a tube.

It's been a fun, emotionally tough week. I fasted, prayed, and listened yesterday. Thank you, God, for all the fun we've been having. That makes all the tough stuff so much easier to handle.

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